“I learned how to read in a set of two faded, outdated, and deliciously comfortable floral armchairs that were the foci of the living room in my childhood home. My parents generously let me take these beloved chairs to college, where they served as my daily workspace. Unfortunately, I had to abandon these chairs during final move-out; I will forever hope they found a good home.”
Olivia Robbins (English)
“Withington Room, on campus. Not only do I enjoy solitary working lunches, but I also overhear passionate and thoughtful conversations between students who regularly eat lunch there. It’s inspiring, amusing, relaxing.”
Zeynap Isvan (Math)
“My first car, a 2000 Volvo S70, was a particularly formative space. The car, affectionately known as ‘Grannie Annie,’ provided freedom that fostered my independence and enhanced my social life. Sadly, I had to retire Grannie this past summer, but I will never forget her!”
Patrick Owens (Math)
“The theater hallway of my high school helped define who I was then and who I am today. I spent most of my free time there with older and younger students who were open, fun and—ironically—drama-free.”
Claire Shea (Spanish)
“My local public library. My mom would drop me there on Saturday mornings, and I would wander the shelves encountering new authors, new ideas and new friends. Those hours nurtured a lifelong love of reading. My mom’s offhand remark, that I spent so much time at the library I should become a librarian, sealed my fate!”
Beth Reardon (Cox Library)
“The space below the stairs in my childhood home was magic; it was where I napped and read and played pretend, and it was a tiny sliver of the house that was just mine.”
Emily DiDonna (Grade 7 English)
“Exploration Summer Program was my first exposure to new people and ideas. Coming from a rural, homogeneous community, Explo introduced me to my best friends, gave me the opportunity to explore my academic passions, and nurtured my intellectual curiosity.”
Julia Esquivel (College Counseling)
“The gym gave me freedom within structure, providing a space where I can learn about myself—good and bad. I’ve learned lessons large and small there. One day I’m confident, the next I’m humbled. I’ve learned discipline, self-awareness, responsibility. Perhaps most valuable is persistence: If you keep working toward your goal of what you want to accomplish, it will eventually happen.”
Coleman Daley (Grade 5)
“I trekked the Grand Canyon during a rocky point (no pun intended!) in my sophomore year of college. I was muddling through a couple different majors, and like a bolt of lightning it hit me while I was catching my breath on the Bright Angel Trail: Geology was my calling. I’ve never looked back!”
Joanna Latham (Science)
“When I was an undergraduate, I needed a space outside of my dorm to study for my Medical Microbiology final. The quiet meant the library was not my ideal place. Instead, I turned to Barnes & Noble. From the flavorful aroma of the Starbucks cafe mixed with the scent of new paperbacks, or the soft jazz playing in the background, there is something distinct about Barnes & Noble. Despite the fact that it can be loud, it became my ‘safe learning space.’ Since then, whenever I need to unwind or study, I go to Barnes & Noble.”
Murielle St. Paul (Academic Skills Center)
“On the football practice field I learned and appreciated the importance of commitment, effort, building confidence and trust, leadership and resilience—and how these lessons applied to all aspects of my life.”
Josh Jordan ’11 (Lower School)
“My first apartment in Boston. I moved to the area almost six years ago, by myself, for a job in a completely new environment. This apartment was the first one in which I was living entirely on my own. It was tiny and kind of dingy, but it was mine. Looking back, I realize it was the first time in my life that I was doing something truly on my own, and it generated in me a sense of accomplishment that drove me to take greater risks both personally and professionally.”
Rebecca Edelman (Grade 6 Science)