The Robotics Team’s robot, named Tokyo Lift, won the robot skills competition, the excellence award, and the championship at the VEX Robotics Qualifier Tournament in Hopkinton this winter. Milton entered two robots into the competition, and the winning robot moves on to the state competition this spring.
Truman Marshall ’18 and Tommy Elliott ’18 were the leads on Tokyo Lift. “We knew we had a good design,” says Truman, but the team was “pleasantly surprised” by their success. The “Starstruck” competition is played on a 12′ × 12′ field, where the robot picks up and moves “stars” and “cubes” into particular zones. After playing qualifying skills matches, teams from different schools form alliances. Then, the object of the game is to attain a higher score than the opposing alliance. Truman and Tommy’s alliance won the whole competition.
Tommy said Tokyo Lift was newly constructed this school year, and the team can still make modifications to the robot before the next competition. About 15 students meet officially twice a week in the Robotics Team room in the Art and Media Center, but Tommy said they work on the robots almost every day after school and during free periods.